This shiurim series is sponsored by Chicago Breslov

Shiurim Series • 6 Episodes • 4 hr 13 min

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 1: An Introduction

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 2: Lack and the Birth of Subjectivity

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 3: The Shadow of Death

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 4: The Rotating Sword of Doubt

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 5: The Need to be Elsewhere

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.

Episode 6: Pretending to be Calm

Reb Joey takes us on a journey, exploring the inner dimensions of anxiety, and reflecting on the therapeutic potency of Chassidus and Kabbalah.