This shiurim series is sponsored by Chicago Breslov

Shiurim Series • 9 Episodes • 6 hr 38 min

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 1: “I will tell you how they were once joyous from within despair.”

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 2: Power, Powerlessness and Being Lost in the Forest

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 3: Blind - Remembering Nothing

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 4: Deaf - The Silence of Hope

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 5: Stuttering - Words Too Strong For This World

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 6: Crooked Neck - Learning to Breathe

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 7: Hunchbacked - The Weightlessness of Empathy

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 8: Handless - Powerless Faith

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.

Episode 9: Legless - Waiting In the Air

Reb Joey takes us on a journey into the world and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov with this series on the tale of The Seven Beggars.