Exile of the word / I

The descent into exile, the exile of the word.

At the inception, the word- the capacity of coherent speech- was gifted over to the world. The necessity of names was matched by the possibility of naming. Devoid of the signifying nature of direct speech, existence cracks, shatters into an impossible whirlwind of shadows and specters. Nameless objects, undefined by the demarcations of subjective description, swell- circling and subverting the order of things.

(With)in time, the descriptive nature of language evolved into the subjective language of dialogue.  The word- freed from the constrictive/constructive nature of de/finite definition, opened towards the expansive/expressive speech, the infinite conversation. 

Words, beyond their function as rigid signifies and mere iteration, become the vehicle of interaction.  People, events utterly removed from one another, connect through language. We do not speak, we are spoken. 

To be continued…


The 18 Principles of Sefer Likutei Moharan: R’ Avraham ben R’ Nachman (1848-1917)


Exile of the word / II