להפך חושך לאור, מרירו למתיקו

With the departure of the holy wholeness of Shabbos, with the removal of the surplus transcendent soul, we are faced with the task, the command to once again refigure ourselves in the mundane, exilic nature of the lowly week. Forcefully thrown from the silent world of unity to the deafening worlds of separation, the soul screams out from within it’s howling solitude, terrified and petrified by the prospect of leaving, being torn from its proper place, its necessary space.

The dancing flame, the trace of holiness that erupts from within escorting the Queen, the reverberation of David’s eternal life, the living that laughs in the face of deaths silenced screams, whispers to our inner most self, אל תירא עבדי יעקב, do not be afraid, uncertain, confounded or confused by your degradation into the world of chaotic disarray, it is there that holiness seeks to settle. Happy are those who transform bitterness into sweet, darkness into light…


קם רבה ושחט רב זירא