Speaking Not / Not Speaking

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

Wallace Stevens

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.


The Torah is written in black fire on white fire…


To write with/in the margins of coherent thought, is to in/scribe the in/sight of that which is perceived. Operating from inside the closed system, deviation from the pre/scribed (always already written) process is seen as transgression. To transgress, to overstep the demarcations separating written word and empty margin, is to fall into the white fire of infinite space.

In the boundary, on the limit closed thought opens up into possibilities. What was certain is doubted as the doubted becomes certain. The marginalized space rumbles as the unthought known spills onto the page. Thoughts from the outside, beyond the positive expressions of knowledge drip into the fine, precise sentences of coherent thought. The black points of letters, black fire, subsumed by the limitlessness of blank space, regress back towards the Nothingness from which they came.

As the boundaries, the limits of understanding are transgressed, faith appears. The margins of thought, the outside, the surrounding light leaks into the textual embodiment of internal light.

The telos of knowing is the unknowing of the known…


(E)facing the Face - The Body of the Text


To Write through Erasure / Bechukosi thought