The Craving

The quest for oblivion.

The quest for simplification.

The quest for self sufficiency.

The quest for wholeness.

Addiction is a mode of being wherein the addict is wholly given over to that which can never arrive. Hurt and broken, or more importantly aware of the pain and brokenness, the addict hopes, seeks, craves, devours that which promises a momentary lapse from the harrowing outside. The object (spirits, narcotics, relationships etc.) promises what it can never deliver. The failed attempt at entering the inside, the space of serene self sufficiency where one needs no/one and no/thing other than the magical elixir opens unto the undying quest for the fantastical wholeness that craving dreams up. The vertical ascension, the higher space, the drive to get high.

Rooted in the unending sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.


Sukkot Thought

