Wholeness through the Hole

For the sake of balance, every-thing contains within itself, dormant, hidden in potentiality the manifestation of its oppositional force, it’s other, the echo of the otherwise.

This paradigmatic wholeness, this sub-atomic unity-in-difference that evolves into the specific thing-ness of every-thing has found it’s way into many modes of thought, albeit on a diminished scale.

Freud called it the Id that forces the Ego to develop in response to the oppositional drives advanced by the pleasure seeking animal soul.

Jung called it the shadow, the dark side of the personality that inverts the positive qualities of our waking selves.

Musical theory has the dissonance, the chaotic chords, the haunting rumbles that inform and enable the ordered and harmonious sounds of consonance.
The atom, the basic stuff of spacial reality is composed of protons and electrons, and as quantum mechanics have begun to reveal the same is true for each individual proton.

Everything is what it is by virtue of what it is not. Every word means what it means by virtue of what it does not mean.

The negativity of the world, on a universal as well as an individual level is referred to as “the other-side”, סטרא אחרא. Evil, bad, pain, hurt, darkness, suffering, sadness are all but the propelling agent in the unfolding process of positivity, good, pleasure, light, and redemption.

The exile is the seat of the redemption.
The darkness is the space of light.
The נגע is the root of ענג.


From a Distance He Appeared to Me


Orderly Disorder